JLG Inspection Tracker

 Observer Name Date of Inspection Site Area / Job Model / Size Unit Number All Pass or FailEntry
Darrel Wade12/11/2023WellsBatch Plant600sWells LiftPassView / Edit Details
Darrel Wade12/12/2023WellsBatch Plant600S3 Wells PlantPassView / Edit Details
Darrel Wade12/12/2023WellsBatch Plant600S3 Wells PlantPassView / Edit Details
Darrel Wade12/13/2023WellsBatch Plant660sj144745PassView / Edit Details
Darrel Wade12/13/2023WellsBatch Plant600s3 WellsPassView / Edit Details
Darrel Wade12/14/2023WellsBatch Plant660s144744PassView / Edit Details
Darrel Wade12/14/2023WellsBatch Plant603PassView / Edit Details
 Observer Name Date of Inspection Site Area / Job Model / Size Unit Number All Pass or FailEntry