Severity = the potential degree of harm presented by behaviors or conditions. From the categories below, select the highest potential severity that could have resulted.

  • Critical = Death or permanent total disability AND/OR > $1 million property or equipment damage
  • Major = Permanent partial disability AND/OR lost time injury greater than 1 month AND/OR $100,000 to $1 million property or equipment damage
  • Moderate = Lost-time injury or injury resulting in a work restriction AND/OR $1,000 to $100,000 property or equipment damage
  • Minor = Minor injury or first aid treatment only AND/OR readily repairable property or equipment damage of less than $1,000

Exposure = the frequency of the hazards or risks occurring. Choose from the following

  • Frequent = exposed to the hazard or risk 1 or more times per day
  • Occasional = exposed to the hazard less than daily, but 1 or more times per week
  • Seldom = exposed to the hazard less than weekly, but 1 or more times per month
  • Rare = exposed to the hazard less than monthly, but 1 or more times every 3 months

Priority = Effect of hazard or risk on (1) current work and (2) urgency of corrective actions

  • Extreme = Work stopped immediately as imminent danger is present. Appropriate VP and Safety Professional notified immediately along with CEO and
    VP of HR, Safety and Health. Immediate corrective actions required. Work cannot continue until situation is deemed safe by above-listed personnel
  • High = Work stopped immediately. Appropriate field supervisor / production manager and Safety Professional notified immediately. Work cannot continue until situation is deemed safe by above-listed personnel. Immediate corrective actions required.
  • Medium = Work may proceed with caution when it is deemed safe by the local supervisor. Corrective actions are necessary but can be scheduled to occur in the future.
  • Low = Work may proceed, but would benefit from corrective actions.