SEE Tracker Entries

NameMarc Stayner
Time06:00 AM
AreaPlant 3
Safety TopicChemical Exposure
TTL Summary3 - 5 = Low Risk | 6 - 9 = Moderate Risk | 10 - 12 = High Risk
Root Cause(s)

Crews have been plasma cutting holes in plates for the Great Lakes job. Safety would like to conduct IH testing on this process to ensure we are under exposure limits.

StatusNeeds Attention
Corrective Action

Please work with managers to determine the frequency we cut the stainless plates and conduct IH sampling if necessary.

Entry Comments
Notes for this entry
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Valders, WI - Production: Alert Level = Moderate Risk (ID: 6048159b83bd2)
added on April 10, 2021 at 1:58 pm

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