SEE Tracker Entries

NameJohn Schnell
Time06:10 AM
AreaPlant 1 - Hollowcore Beds
Safety TopicUnsafe Operation
TTL Summary3 - 5 = Low Risk | 6 - 9 = Moderate Risk | 10 - 12 = High Risk
Root Cause(s)

Employee responsible to guard/stop people from walking near the dead-end stressing of the hollowcore beds left the area and was not around leaving the area unguarded.

Completion Date03/29/2022
Corrective Action

Waited for employee to show up. When the responsible person returned they were asked where they were as they certainly understand their role during stressing. The individual said they walked around the corner to plug in a battery charger. The employee was instructed (even though they are well-aware) that while stressing is taking place they are NOT to leave their location and make sure they protect unaware people from walking through the area while stressing is taking place.

Entry Comments
Notes for this entry
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Valders, WI - Production: Alert Level = Moderate Risk (ID: 6048159b83bd2)
added on March 29, 2022 at 12:11 pm

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