SEE Tracker Entries

NamePete Neal
Time02:00 AM
Areastorage area
Safety TopicHousekeeping
TTL Summary3 - 5 = Low Risk | 6 - 9 = Moderate Risk | 10 - 12 = High Risk
Root Cause(s)

Trash is starting to pile up again, everyone needs to continue to pickup after themselves.

StatusNeeds Attention
Corrective Action

Continue talking with everyone to clean

Entry Comments
Notes for this entry
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Needs Attention (Total 10-12) (ID: 59d781ffbd300)
added on April 1, 2022 at 8:50 pm

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West - Plant: Alert Level = High Risk (ID: 5f2d65c4905fa)
added on April 1, 2022 at 8:50 pm

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