SEE Tracker Entries

NameDanny Sheetz
Time07:10 AM
Safety TopicHousekeeping
TTL Summary3 - 5 = Low Risk | 6 - 9 = Moderate Risk | 10 - 12 = High Risk
Root Cause(s)

Flammable aerosal cans were left out on the ground to be run over and left in plate baskets.

StatusNeeds Attention
Corrective Action

I removed the cans from the area and spoke to the supervisor.

Entry Comments
Notes for this entry
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Needs Attention (Total 10-12) (ID: 59d781ffbd300)
added on April 21, 2022 at 1:15 pm

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West - Plant: Alert Level = High Risk (ID: 5f2d65c4905fa)
added on April 21, 2022 at 1:15 pm

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