Stressing Jack Pre-Shift Inspection Tracker

DivisionGreat Lakes
LocationCrystal Lake - Production
Filter Screen CleanOK
Inspector's InitialsAW
Hydraulic Oil LevelOK
Oil Leaks PresentOK
Nuts, Bolts and FittingsOK
Warning Signals FunctionalOK
Ram Jack (cracks or fatigue)OK
Stressing Guards in PlaceOK
Tire ConditionOK
"O" Rings FunctionalOK
Stressing Guards AdequateOK
Test Stressing OperationOK
Stressing Guards Bolted DownOK
Test Stressing OperationOK
Gages FunctioningOK
Extend & Retract the Ram FunctionOK
Reset Initial & Final Cut-off Valves to ZeroOK
Crews Properly TrainedOK


All Pass or FailPass
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