Rigging Inspection

Displaying 251 - 275 of 370

 Observer Name Date of Inspection Site Area / Job Manufacturer Serial Number Reason for Inspection Working Load Limit Length (ft) Size Condition Chain Type Wire Rope Type Synthetic Type Roundsling Type Metal Mesh Sling Vertical Capacity Choker Capacity 45° Basket CapacityEntry
Sam G04/20/2018Field (Wells)BrownOlson8003281906Regular Inspection141 3/4PassView / Edit Entry
Sam G04/20/2018Field (Wells)BrownSkookum2218bRegular InspectionNa18PassView / Edit Entry
Sam G04/20/2018Field (Wells)BrownBranches8003281907Regular Inspection201 1/2PassView / Edit Entry
Sam G04/20/2018Field (Wells)BrownMckinssick110720Regular InspectionNa10"PassView / Edit Entry
Sam G04/20/2018Field (Wells)BrownMckinssick110720Regular InspectionNa10PassView / Edit Entry
Sam G04/20/2018Field (Wells)BrownSharrow63192Regular Inspection25'7/8PassView / Edit Entry
Sam g04/20/2018Field (Wells)BrownSharrow59033Regular Inspection257/8PassView / Edit Entry
Ed Schmitz04/19/2018Field (Wells)BrownCrosby16467Regular Inspection15’1/2”PassView / Edit Entry
Ed Schmitz04/19/2018Field (Wells)BrownCrosby1019608-2-1Regular Inspection15’1/2”PassView / Edit Entry
Ed Schmitz04/19/2018Field (Wells)BrownMckissick108Regular InspectionNA6”PassView / Edit Entry
Butch nielsen09/15/2020Field (Wells)Becker mnCc sharrow33655Regular Inspection15’7/8Pass1 Leg7 ton--View / Edit Entry
Butch nielsen09/15/2020Field (Wells)Becker mnCc sharrow33601Regular Inspection15’7/8Pass1 Leg7 ton--View / Edit Entry
Butch Nielsen09/15/2020Field (Wells)Becker mnCc sharrow59253Regular Inspection15’7/8Pass1 Leg7 ton--View / Edit Entry
Butch nielsen09/15/2020Field (Wells)Becker mnCc sharrow59254Regular Inspection15’7/8Pass1 Leg7 ton--View / Edit Entry
Butch Nielsen09/15/2020Field (Wells)Becker mOlsen chain213966Regular Inspection35’7/8”Pass2 Leg23000--View / Edit Entry
Butch Nielsen09/15/2020Field (Wells)Becker mnOlsen chain213966Regular Inspection35’7/8Pass2 Leg23000--View / Edit Entry
Butch nielsen09/15/2020Field (Wells)Becker mnCc sharrow34846Regular Inspection40’7/8Pass2 Leg7.65.611View / Edit Entry
Travis F06/30/2022Field (Wells)Maple Grove yellow crateSharrow58806Regular Inspection307/8Pass1 Leg7.65.611View / Edit Entry
Travis F06/30/2022Field (Wells)Maple Grove yellow crateSharrow58805Regular Inspection307/8Pass1 Leg7.65.611View / Edit Entry
Butch Nielsen09/15/2020Field (Wells)Becker mnCc sharrow63277Regular Inspection19’7/8Pass2 Leg--11 toView / Edit Entry
Butch nielse09/15/2020Field (Wells)Becker mnCc sharrow63132Regular Inspection45’7/8Pass1 Leg7.65.611 tonView / Edit Entry
Butch nielsen09/15/2020Field (Wells)Becker mnCc sharrow63141Regular Inspection45’7/8Pass1 Leg7.65.611 tonView / Edit Entry
Butch nielsen09/15/2020Field (Wells)Becker mnCc sharrow63192Regular Inspection28’7/8Pass2 Leg7.65.611 tonView / Edit Entry
Butch nielsen09/15/2020Field (Wells)Ecker mnCc sharrow63193Regular Inspection287/8Pass2 Leg7.65.611 tonView / Edit Entry
Butch nielsen09/15/2020Field (Wells)Becker mnCc sharrow63273Regular Inspection14’3/4Pass2 Leg--11 tonView / Edit Entry
 Observer Name Date of Inspection Site Area / Job Manufacturer Serial Number Reason for Inspection Working Load Limit Length (ft) Size Condition Chain Type Wire Rope Type Synthetic Type Roundsling Type Metal Mesh Sling Vertical Capacity Choker Capacity 45° Basket CapacityEntry