SEE Tracker Entries

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 Name LocationSite Area Date Ttl Safety Topic Root Causes Status Respirator User Name Completion DateEntry
Danielle HomeyerGreat Lakes Valders - Production Warehouse06/24/20224PPE

I took the gator from the warehouse to the front office and forgot to grab my vest. Before I headed back to the warehouse, I borrowed a vest from the front office.

Completed06/24/2022View / Edit Details
gerald asmusMidwest Wells DT10 - FS2605/31/20226Housekeeping


Completed05/31/2022View / Edit Details
gerald asmusMidwest Wells main plant05/18/20223PPE

employee no hi viz vest

Completed05/18/2022View / Edit Details
gerald asmusMidwest Wells west plant05/17/20226Housekeeping

employees are leaving scrap steel on the floor around chop saw. slip-trip hazard

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Josh StradalGreat Lakes Valders - Production Yard05/17/20220Safe Operation

Yard crews were strapping down columns that were taller than wide

Completed05/18/2022View / Edit Details
Josh StradalGreat Lakes Valders - Production Yard05/17/20224Unsafe Operation

Driver backed his trailer into the blue lot and hit the jersey barrier

Completed05/17/2022View / Edit Details
gerald asmusMidwest Wells FS2605/16/20226Housekeeping

need to pickup while stripping form

Completed05/16/2022View / Edit Details
Josh StradalGreat Lakes Valders - Production Yard05/15/20225Housekeeping

SS C hook sticking out of the ground
I put a barricade over the top. Had a employee pull it out.

Completed05/16/2022View / Edit Details
Geoff NorrenaMountain States West Division Plant QC Lab05/12/20220Safe Operation

Bed Leadman got debris in his eye, came into the QC Lab asking for help. I took him to the eyewash station and showed him how to use it, and told him techniques to help. stayed with him until he was recovered. gave him a personal eyewash container (from a first aid box) to keep in case the eye gets bothered again.

Completed05/12/2022View / Edit Details
Kevin LestoMidwest Field 734605/11/20229Unsafe Act

Is there any reason why these connections weren't on the top of the flat.. Luckily ew were able to find a lift.. 30' in the air off a ladder isn't only not any fun "it's not very safe". Being in a Creamery you have the problem 9f welding around Stainless Stell Equipment which adds a least twice the welding time because we normally have to take the time to cover the Stainless, and normally take 2 worker instead of 1. When the plate connection is on top its much more convenient for everyone involved and much safer

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Geoff NorrenaMountain States West Division Plant Outside, Near FB205/10/20226Unsafe Act

Loading scrapped concrete into the truck to haul it away. the truck is parked next to the port-a-potty.
a 500pg piece of concrete being loaded into the truck fell out of the front loader scoop and landed 5 feet away from the toilet.
if it hit the toilet and someone was in there, a serious injury would occur.

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Keith BorgstromGreat Lakes Waukesha - Field Naperville05/05/20223Other

A safety pin fell onto the bed of the truck from the area of the crane hook as the driver was climbing down from the front of his trailer after sweeping off garbage. The pin and the keeper was reinstalled.

Completed05/06/2022View / Edit Details
Keith BorgstromGreat Lakes Waukesha - Field Naperville05/05/20223Other

It appeared that the TT shifted during transport to the job site.

Completed05/06/2022View / Edit Details
Rob weissMidwest Field Green bay wi04/30/20220Safe Operation

Load not tied down

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Rob weissMidwest Field Green bay wi04/30/20220Safe Operation

Load not tied down before getting in place to pick with crane

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Rob weissMidwest Field Green bay wi04/30/20220Safe Operation

Trucker took belts off of load before being in place to pick with crane

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Riley KloosMidwest Wells Building 304/27/20220Safe Operation

Edge burkes were cast higher up in the wythe of a piece than what was called out for on the detail. Before tipping the panel on edge to be finished, Brian Schultze called me out there to verify this was safe to do.

Completed04/27/2022View / Edit Details
Robert CMidwest Wells Patch building 304/27/20227Unsafe Act

Three 4x4 mock-ups not secured properly. Someone used one chain to secure three 4x4 mock-ups to sample trailer

Completed04/27/2022View / Edit Details
Steve ArndtMidwest Wells main plant04/26/20226PPE

Even Linder wearing his safety glasses on his hard hat.

Completed04/27/2022View / Edit Details
Riley KloosMidwest Wells North Extension of Main Plant04/26/20224Ergonomics

A concrete saw needs to be used to cut off part of the apron on the north side of the main plant and bridge building in order to regrade that area as part of our yard improvements.

Completed04/26/2022View / Edit Details
Steve ArndtMidwest Wells FS1904/26/20226Ergonomics

FS19 crew came out to the form and did not stretch before starting to flip up the tarp.

Completed04/27/2022View / Edit Details
Matt MaguetMidwest Wells FS2604/22/20226Unsafe Act

Andrew Haas walked underneath a full bucket of concrete.

Completed04/22/2022View / Edit Details
Matt MaguetMidwest Wells FS2604/22/20226Other

They started putting the incorrect burkes in to the panels. They were using the 6-ton lifters that do not have the "foot" on them.

Completed04/22/2022View / Edit Details
C.J. MeyerMidwest Wells By the QC lab04/21/20227Unsafe Operation

Someone put a gas can in front of the electrical box, (Within the 3' that is supposed to be free and clear of anything)

Completed04/22/2022View / Edit Details
Danny SheetzMountain States West Division Plant FB104/21/202212Housekeeping

Flammable aerosal cans were left out on the ground to be run over and left in plate baskets.

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 Name LocationSite Area Date Ttl Safety Topic Root Causes Status Respirator User Name Completion DateEntry