SEE Tracker Entries

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Albany |  Grand Forks |  Rosemount |  Wells |  Field (Wells) |  Midwest
 Name LocationSite Area Date Ttl Safety Topic Root Causes Status Respirator User Name Completion DateEntry
JesusMountain States West Division Plant Casting bay03/14/202212Unsafe Act

Cutting cable strands without a flagger.

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Matthew FIscherGreat Lakes Valders - Production Gray bed03/14/20223Housekeeping

Boards left with screws sticking out.

Completed03/16/2022View / Edit Details
Matthew FischerGreat Lakes Valders - Production Giant TT03/12/20223Fall Hazard

Multiple cat walks need to be repaired/replaced.

Needs AttentionView / Edit Details
Josh StradalGreat Lakes Valders - Production Yard03/11/20223PPE

Outside contractors not wearing hard hat and vests

Completed03/11/2022View / Edit Details
Wade GakingGreat Lakes Valders - Production Yard03/11/20226Other

Hose disconnected from handle on unleaded fuel pump. Was not tagged out at that time.

Completed03/11/2022View / Edit Details
Randy NeumeyerGreat Lakes Valders - Production Hollowcore Plant 103/11/20223Other

Swift lift rubber recess plug laying on floor in runway.
Potential tripping hazard.

Completed03/11/2022View / Edit Details
Corey V. Simpson Jr.Great Lakes Crystal Lake - Production Production Bay 103/11/20224Other

Employees were observed grinding edges, creating large amounts of dust in the plant.

Completed03/11/2022View / Edit Details
Corey V. Simpson Jr.Great Lakes Crystal Lake - Production Warehouse03/11/20225Ergonomics

Employees were observed carrying long, heavy, pieces of rebar manually.

Completed03/11/2022View / Edit Details
Corey V. Simpson Jr.Great Lakes Crystal Lake - Production Plant03/11/20225Housekeeping

Large amounts or rebar, strand, and other material were observed posing trip hazards along the beds.

Completed03/11/2022View / Edit Details
April J JergensenMountain States West Division Plant Wall storage03/11/20229Fall Hazard

Using incorrect ladder

Completed03/11/2022View / Edit Details
April J JergensenMountain States West Division Plant Beam storage03/11/20226Housekeeping

Mesh falling over and around beams difficult to walk around pieces

Needs AttentionView / Edit Details
Jon bodartGreat Lakes Valders - Production yard03/10/20225Housekeeping

plank laying in main runway

Completed03/10/2022View / Edit Details
gerald asmusMidwest Wells FS1903/10/20220Safe Operation

Broken piece in form to be stripped called engineer to be sure it would be safe to remove with current lifting devices.

Completed03/10/2022View / Edit Details
jim johnsonMidwest Wells west plant03/10/20223Fall Hazard

employee tripped on some concrete that was stuck to the floor.

Completed03/10/2022View / Edit Details
Zach SaenzGreat Lakes Crystal Lake - Production Yard03/10/20225Other

While out in the yard Zach noticed a 4'x2' sink hole that developed overnight.

Completed03/10/2022View / Edit Details
Jon bodartGreat Lakes Valders - Production plant 303/10/20225Housekeeping

plant 3 needs houskeeping

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Jon bodartGreat Lakes Valders - Production flat south03/10/20223Housekeeping

employee left dowel ends laying on the floor

Completed03/11/2022View / Edit Details
Corey V. Simpson Jr.Great Lakes Waukesha - Field Honey Creek Jobsite, East Troy, WI03/10/20228Other

Drivers were observed removing straps before getting to the crane to expedite loading process.

Needs AttentionView / Edit Details
Pete NealMountain States West Division Plant Storage Area03/10/20226General Communication

Piece on trailer needed to be reloaded

Completed03/10/2022View / Edit Details
Pete NealMountain States West Division Plant Mold shop03/10/20227PPE

People in mold shop area not wearing ear plugs

Completed03/10/2022View / Edit Details
John SchnellGreat Lakes Valders - Production Giant DT form03/09/20228Unsafe Operation

Employees were stripping double tees from the giant DT form. A loading crew member was on top of the DT that was loaded on a trailer to disconnect it from the Travel Lift. After disconnecting it, the employee jumped down about 4' and across a 3' gap between the DT and the form on to the top of the DT form. This was a high risk move and a very poor choice. A number of bad things could have happened.

Completed03/09/2022View / Edit Details
gerald asmusMidwest Wells FS2403/09/20225Unsafe Operation

reminded employee to use stairs getting on or off form

Completed03/09/2022View / Edit Details
kristian zapataMountain States West Division Plant yarding03/09/202210Unsafe Operation

One of my operators called me over to look at a stack of rib slabs that got put away last night, the dunnage on the rib slab at the bottom of the stack did not line up with the other 3 stacked on top of it creating a big crack through the deck.

Needs AttentionView / Edit Details
Wall CrewGreat Lakes Crystal Lake - Production Yard - Walls03/09/20220Safe Operation

The Walls Crew noticed that the Rigging Pickers used to stockpile/ship walls, were getting worn down and could possibly lead to a failure. The pickers have been taken out of service.

Completed03/09/2022View / Edit Details
TT employeesGreat Lakes Valders - Production Giant TT bed03/09/20225Unsafe Act

Employees said vehicles were speeding by the production area in excess of 30+ mph driving to a truck on fire.

Needs AttentionView / Edit Details
 Name LocationSite Area Date Ttl Safety Topic Root Causes Status Respirator User Name Completion DateEntry